emo animals

A fun series I dreamed up while camping at Bribie Island earlier in the year. After a day observing kangaroos, goannas and kookaburras I think I was contemplating how animals don’t really show their emotions - they just keep on keeping on no matter what life throws at them.

Koala - I haven’t seen one of these in the wild in a long time but I always keep a look out. #goals

Kangaroo - I just love watching these guys in the wild, they are so peaceful! In one of our camping spots you can hear them bounding down the hill in the middle of the night. One time I even saw a mum and baby kangaroo take a dip in the river - I didn’t know they swim!

Fish - this isn’t just any fish. He was inspired by the little fish that nibble at you when you go swimming in the rivers. Cute but brave.

Kookaburra - these cuties are everywhere. I love hearing them laugh early in the morning or late in the evening. They’re such a stunning bird. Earlier today there were a couple in the jacaranda outside my studio. I wonder if they came to check out their portrait. ;)

Goanna - I’m not normally into lizards or snakes but I’ve become a huge fan of these guys over the past year. I see them every time we go camping. They quietly creep around the camp site and chill in the sun and also climb trees. Their skin have the most beautiful diamond patterns.


baby announcement


nature > human